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What’s good yall, I have been gone for a few months. well in that time I have dropped 3 videos. performed and covered a bunch of shows, got married and had a baby boy. yeah I know I have been doing allot, but its what life is all about. I’m happy and alive.

Anyway I have been enjoying a new life with my new wife and son, I am taking more interest in the future and safety of my son. Then on July 13 2013 George Zimmerman was found not guilty for the death of Trayvon Martin. My jaw dropped when I got the text from my wife. NOT GUILTY
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I stood up and walked home from my neighbors to see my son. He is 6 months now and that night he had the brightest smile when he saw me enter the room. I looked at my wife as I reached to hold him and I noticed something was wrong. Something was bothering her. It was a look I had never seen in her eyes. She looked worried and uncertain. My mother was in the kitchen and I looked inter her Eyes and I saw the same look.  How do I continue to live and raise my son in a place that has no interest in his survival? How many parents feel the same way?


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America has had a race issue for along time. Even with an Afro-American president we still have race issues. The Justice System is in shambles. Old men with power want things to remain as such. The court room was full of people that wanted Zimmerman to walk home. The corruption that has plagued the USA has surfaced to an apex. According to the media, things could erupt into civil unrest and we could end up in an all out “Race War“.    Well I don’t buy it...  and I say to you don’t fall for the BS... 

Anyone can see that Zimmerman is guilty and America does have race issues but I don’t think everyone is ready to deal with it openly and honestly. But before I get into that, I have a few questions. Like why is this case such big deal.? Why was this case all over the news when things like this happen all the time in the African American community? What made Trayvon Martin more important then Oscar Grant Murdered in Cali a few years ago? Or Sean Bell in New York? Or the hundreds that happen every year in the cities like Chicago and Detroit? Do your research and checkout what has been going on during and after the Trayvon Martin trail. Social media reviews say everyone is “REACTING” in the expected fashion. Racial Insults and hate comments fill up Twitter and Facebook accounts. In my opinion hate will not solve this issue, love will. Love of self, love for you family and love for your fellow man.  We are in for some Tough times. As African Americans We have to Remind the rest of the country that we are not 3/5ths of a man and we are not going to let this go down without a fight.  As Americans we have a responsibility to fight against injustice and corruption, not just for our sake in Ameriica but for the world. My prayers go to the Martin family.     Stay TOUGH!!!


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