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What’s up Fam. I got a question for you. How much would you pay in the store for your favorite artist new album?? I asked my wife this Question and she told me she wouldn’t pay more then $500 bucks. I was amazed at her answer and also interested in why she would make such an unusual investment. Well i Guess Beyonce should take some pricing advice from Nypsey Hussle.  Well word on the street is Nipsey has a new album out that will cost you(now sit down for this one) $100. Well Gotdamn!!!!  This better be the Album of the decade....lol.. The deal isn’t that bad considering the fact that you will get tickets to his show along with a hard copy of album. His fans Are buying and feel its worth it. One fan said "Not sure if Nip is genuinely taking a stand or trying to swindle his fans but I feel like if you fuck with him and his music gets you thru your day say thank you by paying $100 for this cd. I look at it like we would pay $100 for a good dinner".  So Fam Please tell me what you think...would you pay $100 for your favorite artist album? Why??? And Why Not??


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