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Turn off those fans, air conditioning units and artic blasts (points to Iceman); It’s Fall and Winter is approaching, which means it’s time to bring out those hoodies, jackets and coats. Oh, you don’t have any of the three? Well, I know just the clothing you need to fulfill that thermal comfort for those cold days; The Bill Cosby Sweat Collection.


DISCLAIMER: You can only choose ONE. Don’t be greedy.

“The Carpet”

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This design was created by the smart minds of the Friendzone Guild. Since their BFF female counterparts only hug them and talk about their boyfriends are constantly stepping on these guys, they decided to look the part. An ideal sweater for the Fall, which is ironically dubbed “Cuffing Season.”


“The Comb”

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Why utilize a comb for its true purpose when you can wear it in abstract patterns? The Nappy-headed hath no worries when donning this sweater. And don’t fret, ladies. The “Hot-Comb” design is currently in the works.


“The 200-Meter Dash”

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On your mark, get set, GO! You can’t run away from the coldest snowstorm ever in the horizon, but you can express it metaphorically on your sweater. You’re also not on track alone. There will be others in this design that feel the same way. Ideal for post-Thanksgiving time.


“Ano Nuevo en Nuevo York”

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I don’t understand why the design is on SAP, but I digress.  This final design is apparently ideal for the holiday season, most specifically on New Year’s Eve. Rumor has it that this is the same sweater Kobe Bryant wore in Colorado when…Well, you know the rest, so I wouldn’t suggest you wear this outside of the Tri-Boro area for superstitious purposes.


Well, there you have it. Save that $100 for one of these fashion statements. You won’t have to worry about the cold while you’re styling and profiling (WOO!!!!). Just make sure you send your money to this address to:


Bill Cosby Sweater Corp.

123-45 Six Seven ave.

Uranidiotiffudodis, NY, 10007


We gladly accept credit cards and pyramid schemes.


The Cosby Show was taped in front of a live studio audience.

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